Mardi 15 octobre 2013

" I started working again for Avon 6 months ago and I am proud of it. I was ill with a pneumothorax and life was tasteless. Avon gave me the strength to believe in myself again. I don't want to stop Avon, I love the products, I am proud to share them. Avon is everywhere, all the time, for all and FOREVER "

Témoignages d'Ambassadrices et d'employés Avon en France

"Hello, I have been a representative since 2006 in the South of France. I'm 25. I have used almost exclusively this brand since i started to put on make-up. I have learned to love all the products from this brand, and today I cannot live without them! 
I take my showers with Avon shower gels, I dry my hair with Avon towels, I wash my hands with Avon soap, I use Avon make-up, I do nail art with Avon enamels, I'm dressed with Avon clothes, I cook with Avon utensils... How are we gonna do if we don't have all these products anymore?" 

"As for me, I started working for Avon at the end of 2010, shortly after I lost my daughter. I needed something to recover and stay above water after this tragedy. Avon has helped me go through this by giving me the opportunity to gain confidence and meet new people who then became loyal customers. Not only is Avon a secondary income for me, but it has also helped me feel useful and more confident, day after day, in the world of work. I'm very sad about what is going on now, and when my zone manager contacted me, I was overwhelmed! She's an amazing woman, and I wouldn't have met her without Avon! I truly hope our company will be saved... Thank you again Rachel for everything, for being here and for your support. No matter what happens, even if Avon closes, my door will always be open for you, because you're gold."

"I'm sad to see the end of Avon France. My thoughts are for my former colleagues, as well as the employees, who I have never met and who are going to go through a difficult situation. I wish you courage and fully support you."

1 commentaire:

  1. perso je n'arrive pas a y croire. Comment une entreprise comme Avon peut fermer alors qu'elle génère du chiffre ? Pour moi Avon qui ferme est aussi dur a croire que si on me disait demain " ca y est la France n'a plus de président". Ce n'est pas possible ; et pour Avon c'est pareil ce n'est même pas pensable. J'ai démarré Avon il y a 14 ans maintenant, je n'ai jamais été une très grande ambassadrice mais Avon a été la première et la seule jusqu'à présent à croire en moi et a m'aider à vaincre ma timidité. Elle m'a permis de m'ouvrir au autre et c'est pour ca aussi que je suis également animatrice depuis 7 ans. Depuis quelques jours j'essaye de m'imaginer ce que serait ma vie sans Avon et ben je n'y arrive pas. J'ai commencé à être vraiment moi lorsque j'ai démarré chez Avon et me dire que Avon ferme c'est comme si je m'éteignais avec l'entreprise...
